memory lane..

11:34 PM with 0 comments »

I was just watching this video from the videos page, and I realised with the cold weather and stuff starting to come around how much I miss having Board To Death around to ride in the winter.. good stuff

So today would be friday, Myself and Alex went down to the park to ride.. I brought my camera for some pictures..
heres what we got..

I dont know if you guys remember Smokey, the "special" asian guy who always came down on his bike and hung out, talkin about girls and all that jazz.. YEAH he was there.. I found this a prime oppertunity to do something I have wanted to do for a long time over a mountain bike..

I bunny hopped over Mount Fury (that was the name on the bike)

And Alex got crazy and manualed the seat..

He then had this great idea to Abubaca my bike, TEAM work was in full effect from Jason, Marshal, and Smokey... the bear..

Thats basically the story there..
heres the rest of the pictures

I know there are pictures of Jason, I figured he checks out the site even though he skates and he wanted those pictures.. so yeah..


thats all I got I think?

OH! I also added Schroeders YouTube link in the links to the left.. check it out theres some videos hes got on there..

Oh little Jordan Tuttle, I dont remember the first time I met this little rat, but everytime I ride with him I wish I didnt suck so bad, I think since ive met him he

has become a really rad dude and I figured he deserves some coverage...

Name:Jordan Raodney james Tuttle (pigpen)


your not 12? HAHA NO IM NOT

Where did you get the nick name pigpen?
While when i was a little kid i was quite the rat i even had a mullet so my grandpa called me pigpen

Why do you run your bars so big?
It makes me feel manly

When you grow up what do you want to do? (he didnt respond, so I guess he hasnt been to the high school job fair yet)

I heard rumors you turndown like a champ.. how did you get so good?
ITs all i could do for about two years

Where did you come up with Poopdarnit?

While we where ridin at mankato we started doing bar hunmps and 1 footers all over and Nate Kier said the bar humps is really gay name and he called them poop darnits BEST TRICK EVER.

I heard you discussed some dirty things at baco, care to share what I am thinking?HAha i cant really remember it was a while ago.

You recently hit puberty, how does that make you feel??
Well i got slams and hit puberty around the same time so pretty manly

Wheres your favorite place to ride? Mankato wit the whole crew

If you could go ride anywhere right now where would you go? Mankato

How many girls have claimed you are the father of their baby? umm none i hope

What are your new tricks you have been throwin lately?
NAC NACS CAN CAN xup feble to 180 hang over tooth pick and 3s down stairs

Why havent you called lately when you came into town?
i Havent been to roch for a while mybe soon tho

Your favorite road trip memory?
BAco walking around with kyle and Catfish the whole thing was good.

Your favorite riding memory in general?
Probly When my cousion still rode and we would drive all over to ride.

TAKE IT: for baco

That would be Jordan Tuttle.. here are some videos with that little player in it..

mankato session from bmxrochester on Vimeo.

Check out this video: o99

Add to My Profile | More Videos


2:59 PM with 0 comments »

I went and picked up the award alex and richey forgot to get.. haha

click to make it biggggggg

Well, that story was a little bit bigger of a deal that I thought it was, the story was on the cover page of the Post Bulletin today.. I was mentioned along with "the bmxrochester crew".. here you can see the online version on the post bulletin website..


Otherwise.. today I rode at Mankato with Tom Haugen, it was super fun hanging out with him since its been a few years since I have had the chance.. He is super dialed and really fun to watch ride.. .imagine that? haha but yeah today was rad..

now go over to bmxunion and check it out


7:44 PM with 0 comments »

I just did an interview with catfish.. its up on BMXunion its pretty funny and good stuff..

otherwise, alex and richey didnt make it to the awards thing, so I dont know how that went.. probably didnt look very good on our part.. but I guess theres nothing we can do about it now.

yeppppppp.. woops

Alright guys, I know I just said it would be a few days, but I was feeling like getting stuff done. So heres the deal AND are ways to get to the site..
The layouts are fairly similar just because well it was so hard to get this layout set up that I just had to make some changes to that one.. So that would be how it is, 2 websites for you to check.. This one, which will have all of our local stuff, and the less nitche of a blog for everyone else and you.. SO check it out!

ALSO! Wednesday is a "student sucess day" at RCTC for myself and a few of us that go there, and I actually got a message on myspace from Tom Haugen saying he will be riding Mankato either Wednesday or Thursday, so if it is Wednesday I will be going up to ride with him, so if you want to go let me know.. I think ill leave around noon (I got a dentist appt. at 10) so I will be up there around 1:30 so yeah let me know, hopefully we can get a few kids to go ride.

I just spent a few hours working on this CSS and HTML, All to get 3 colums of stuff for you to click. We got the messages on the left, news in the middle, videos on the right. We also have the newest posts from the come up, def grip, and interbmx on the left. I put a poll up on the right, I expect you guys to click that stuff up. I am still working on stuff and I think I will have the BMXunion stuff going here soon. I dont want to make any promises yet but it could be surfacing in a few days..

Alright, So heres the deal. I want to know some things as in color wise, where you want stuff to be seen, names of stuff on youtube you want to watch (the random youtube video thing just has me put in keywords and the random videos show up) and any other detail of the site you would like to see changed and how. You can leave comments below this in the comments section, or to the left in the message box, or email me! .
I am also looking for people who want to post up stuff. Wheather it is reviews on stuff, or just your personal corner to the site, if you want to write something, post up photos, videos whatever, let me know, I will get your name in for the log ins and we can make it work.


also, expect to see the Wyatt Kreel edit in a few days, from what I had heard is he has a fair amount of street spots filmed, along with some stuff from skateparks, I havent gotten the tape to edit it yet, but from what I have heard it will be real good stuff.

I am working on getting some different stuff for this site going!.

I am sure you noticed the side random videos, and links and such.. just trying out a few ideas. Uh yeah I have also started on bmx union.. we will see what comes of it over the next week or two before I let ya see it..

also, it sounds like a bunch of people are going to faribault tomorrow to ride? so yeah go! .. google search renagade skate park faribault mn down below here and get directions..

I found the song on my computer, and I had the clip from the other day.
so I made a little commercial for the albes contest... Yes, I am bored!


I spotted this up on the Bike guide forum and since I know a few of you have been asking me if I knew where bink was.. here ya go.

that would be all


2:09 PM with 0 comments »

So heres the deal, Next Tuesday at 11:30 A.M is the awards for the video contest from the Rochester committee "rah rah rochester".
Since I have class, Alex is going, and Richey might, so they are going to accept the award for us. Big thanks for them taking time to go down there and check it out, free food and such for them. I will be doing a "video" acceptance video for them to play since they asked me to do that. so that will be good
However, since Richey isnt for sure, if anyone else is for sure interested let me know, theres only 2 tickets available and its like $20 for another so yeah.

put some cheese on that beyotch

Schroeder this picture should remind you to send me those pictures from the other night..
and if anyone has a camera with pictures... send them to meeeeee

then I will update with those..

also that means people should start taking pictures.. oh wow what a coincidence

ooh yeah.. today, story time.. I was at the park by myself and another skater I had never seen before, he was trying to act all bad ass.. and he fell on a trick so he throws his board on the ground, it bounces back like a bouncy ball and hits him just above the eye.. huge gash.. blood goes everywhere.. it was SOO rad.. I was stoked, kind of mad I didnt get it on film hahha

This video is amazing, not because the riding.. (that is actually really good).. but the cop at the beginning and after the riding ends theres a little gap then some more of the cop.. its by far the coolest thing ive heard a cop say.. plus he rides his motorcycle down some stairs.. WATCH IT!!,27679,1663408_78_1,00.html ... is probably one of the best bmx websites out, Adam the guy who runs it has been super cool and posts up videos I send him, his site litterally gets thousands of visitors a day so thats huge.. so I just really wanted to let you guys if you didnt know the link.. favorite that shit since it gets updated easily 5-10 times a day with tons of videos.

Otherwise, I plan to go down to the skatepark around 2ish since I should be done by 1:30 since I have a test in my class and then I will get out earlier.. so if you want to come ride do it I plan to ride for a few hours


We received you video submissions for the More Than You Know Awards of the Silver Lake Skate Park and our committee has chosen you as the recipient of the "Little Known" Video Category! We'd like to see if you and a guest would be available to attend our awards luncheon next week on Tuesday, September 25th at 11:30, Heritage Hall, at the Kahler Grand Hotel. We would provide two tickets to you complimentary and if any of your friends or family would like to attend they may purchase additional tickets from our office at $20 each. Please give me a call at 288-4331 or email me at to let me know if you will be able to attend. We would really like to see you there!

Mary Gastner
Director of Marketing & Communications
Rochester Convention & Visitors Bureau

so heres the deal.. I heard about this little rah rah rochester thing on the radio and I submitted the Silverlake skatepark video..

that one.. and I guess it won..
However heres the downer.. I cant make it to the awards thing due to having class at that time.. So I dont know, If anyone wants to go let me know.. I am going to call and let her know, then I will just say I will see if anyone can fill in.. so if you want free food and to pick up and award for the crew let me know.. or 272-4461 .. otherwise yeah nothin too news worthy besides Kevin has the most stylish tricks ever!

heres a short video from yesterday.. its got a sweet crash by me in it! woo!

Sorry about the ass quality youtube produces..

I know Alex wont like this one...

I changed up the layout again... I wasnt feelin the black and felt like a cleaner look would work out better..

I should be working on some more albes commercial things here so check back to see if I posted anything later..

Made a little edit from today's session..

should be a full Wyatt Kreel edit soon!!!! (and will be sick if you notice the clips he has in here!

September 2007 bmxrochester from bmxrochester on Vimeo.

Vimeo is obviously better quality

or google! haha new thing I am trying

So today is sunday morning, So I dont know who all might see this.. but we really should get together and ride today since we got the camera and everything. I have some real good stuff of Wyatt from last weekend.. I think we rode at around two last weekend didnt we? I cant remember but yeah I dont know I will send out a text I am sure. yeah so that would be that.. Here are some numbers..

Youtube- Channel Views: 463
Video Views: 18,831

the video views are up from 18,500ish so thats good
and if you looked the blog views are around 8 views more then the regular site but thats still up.. so thats good the site is coming back around I think..

I am going to do some work for this bmx union idea and show you and see what you guys think before anything goes down with it..

tell everyone/post everywhere

I have been doing some stuff to get more visitors generating to the site.. However, most of them are blog specific stuff so the outside stuff of the website is not shown (so the videos photos and news link/background and side talk box doesnt show up)

so I am going to put this counter in here just to see if it varies at all from the other one..

so when I put it in the website one started at 001178.. and this blog one will show 001178 at the start also.. so I am just curious as to how much it will vary at first..

In other news, I really want your guys ideas.. I have a lot of really cool ideas floating around in my head for the idea..

alright guys.. so, as you guys remember yeah back in the day when the website got tons of visitors and those people wanted to "sponsor" our website, which in turn they ended up making money from advertising off of us.. well heres the situation, isnt available to buy because they are holding on to it to sell.. yeah they want to sell our name .. to us. but that got me thinking.. why dont we do more than just rochester.. lets do more than just the area 507.. we cant do mnbmx because griess owns that.. but then I got thinking.. what is something that bmx doesnt have anymore that it used to have a lot more.. union.. haha is available.. I dont know, I just have some ideas running through my head... but heres the other deal, website dot com's only cost like 9$ a year.. so I will pay for it. you guys just tell me what you want the website to be called for real. I mean the more broad we go the better chance of having more people come check it out right. So.. just leave ideas on the left in the box..

OH so last sunday we had a decent session.. but no camera, SO! this sunday.. Everyone lets go to the park and ride and film.. We for sure have Robs camera, then we might have a few others, we need some good stuff for the albes commercials and the website videos.. so lets do work! haha

This one is pretty funny if you listen to the lyrics and look at the picture..

Oh! and just so you know how much bmxrochester videos get watched..

Video Views: 18,545
thats the compilation of all 37 videos

So I was bored this morning and dont have class until 10.. so I whipped this up this in about 10 minutes.. this one is shat.. but I figure the more we send the better chance right??

Alright.. This is a little update number 2 of today.. to LET YOU GUYS KNOW..

we now have 34 videos on the youtube page.. so just up above check out the videos.. theres A TON litterally from over 2 years ago till now.. go watch.. and tell everyone.. is BACK

thats video one of I think quite a few commercials we can produce by the time the contest ends.. October 26th is the last day to turn in commercials! so we have well over a month to get ourselfs 30 seconds of awesome.

If you looked at your screen for two seconds.. you noticed I changed up the background a bit..
I am also in the process of uploading all the old videos I can get from this other site I used to put the videos on.. If you click above this box on videos you can go to all the videos posted so far on bmxrochester that I have gotten up there.. I think theres like 20 videos so far? I dont know.. check it out.. and leave some messages in the talking box thinger to the left.

Ill try and upload an old video from years past to youtube every friday and post it up until we run out that is.. I think there might be like 5 videos that havent been uploaded but I am not sure.. check out the below

well since we all love albes, well, I do so guess what you do to!

They have this sweet new contest where you produce a 30 second clip for an ad for albes. The winner will get 500$ gift card to Albes, which is bad ass because you can get some good stuff for $500 last time I checked. So if Rob or someone would allow me to use their camera the better quality ability the better, we could work something up. Alex I need your help for sure.. Sunday people lets get together to do something, let me know if you want in and if we win we can split up the moneys!

so tonight we had a fairly decent turn out to ride.. Me, Kevin, Rob, Alex, Brad, Richey, and tyler or sean or one of those little guys I always get confused.. I guess the only real notable stuff would be Brad superman'ed the hip haha probably the funniest/craziest things ive seen in a long time... Richey got film and it sounds like he has some ability to upload and edit a bit so there may be a few clips showing up here soon one of these days.. people start spreading the word on the site again, we gotta get this place bumpin like the good old days..

In other good news, Adam (bluff valley) called brad the other day and let him know they finally got there shit together to get the skate park going.. so there may be a fair chance the building will get up before snow, so cross your fingers because we need a good place to ride this winter!


haha, if anyone wants to post up anything let me know