So! heres the deal kids..
Mr. Richy Nesberg is back from japan, for those of you who are younger and newer to riding he was og 507 crew, back when my brother rode/built trails..
so expect to see him riding anyday now. (old school picture of him on the internet doing a no foot x up)

Nate Liesse should be back in august! I spotted this on interbmx and had to post it up since nate is dialed.

annnnnnd BRAD! we need to build trails damn it..

yeah I cant think I know there was something else but ill update if anything comes up.

OH! ALEX- ask me for the login and password to update this you can post pictures and news and stuff I want you to do it.. that and if anyone else wants to post stuff up whenever ill give you the password and stuff if I trust you to do so